The Finnish Society for Research on Adult Education

The Finnish Society for Research on Adult Education gathers researchers, practitioners, and students interested in the development of adult education and its fields of research. It disseminates and promotes research through publications and scientific events. The society participates in research and discussions on educational policy. It also supports the collaboration between researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. The most important publications of the society are the peer-reviewed open access journal Aikuiskasvatus in collaboration with The Finnish Lifelong Learning Foundation Kvs and the Annals of Adult Education. 


Elm (European Lifelong Learning Magazine) is an open access magazine on lifelong learning and adult education. It is the only journalistic medium of adult education with an European scope and with a continent-wide correspondent network.

ESREA promotes and disseminates theorectial and empirical research on the education of adults and adult learning in Europe through research networks, conferences and publications. Active members come from most part of Europe. 

The European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults is a refereed academic journal creating a forum for the publication of critical research on adult education and learning. RELA is published on behalf of ESREA.